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Pioneers Athletics

Pioneer High School


Pioneers Athletics

Pioneer High School

Pioneers Athletics

Pioneer High School

Pioneers Athletics

Pioneer High School


Athletic Department Scholarships


Robert B. Westfall Memorial Award

$20,000.00 total scholarship to be awarded each year to one or more graduating senior(s), who has shown outstanding athletic ability and leadership qualities for his/her school.

Criteria for Award: Must show a need for financial assistance to begin his or her first year of education at a four-year college or university of his or her choice. He or she must have shown outstanding athletic ability and leadership qualities for his or her school. Student must have demonstrated good citizenship while in high school. The student must have participated in extracurricular school activities that may include clubs, athletic competition, and other activities at Pioneer High School. This is not an athletic scholarship and applicants do not have to play varsity athletics at the college or university that he/she will attend.  While it is not necessary, a preference will be given to students who plan to attend the University of Michigan.

To Apply:  Return this application to the Pioneer Athletic Office:   Robert Westfall Application

Selection Process: Recipient(s) will be chosen by the Athletic Director and Westfall family representatives.

Deadline To Apply:  May 1


Bob Ufer Memorial Scholarship Fund

1 - $10,000 scholarship is awarded annually.

Criteria for Award:     Must be attending the University of Michigan, excelled in some academic regard and participated in athletics at Pioneer.  This is not an athletic scholarship and applicants cannot play varsity athletics at Michigan due to NCAA rules and regulations.

Selection Process:  Recipient will be chosen by the athletic director and approved by the Ufer family.

Deadline To Apply:  April 15



AAACF Application

Richard Weldon Memorial Athletic Scholarship

Bryan J Westfield Scholarship

Art Armstrong Memorial Scholarship

Butch Warren Memorial Scholarship

Nathan Lyndell Hall Memorial Scholarship

Andrea Greiner Memorial Scholarship




AAPS Scholarships Application

Kacee Cronk Scholarship




Ray Pittman Outstanding Senior Athlete Award

Beginning in 1977, the Ann Arbor Booster Club began selecting a young man and woman as the outstanding senior athletes of the year.  It was most fitting that these awards be named after long time Pioneer supporter Ray Pittman.? An award will be presented to each individual and their names will be recorded on a plaque that will become part of the permanent record of Pioneer athletic history.  Full scholarship athletes cannot receive monetary funding from this award.

Criteria for Award: A varsity letter winner; good sportsmanship; support of the total athletic program; cooperation with coaches and fellow team members; good citizenship in school and community; meeting his or her scholastic ability; member of the graduating class in good standing.

To Apply:  Athletes are nominated by the coach of his / her sport

Selection Process: Recipients will be chosen by the Athletic Department



A $1000 scholarship is given annually from athletes nominated statewide.

Criteria for Award: A maximum of six male and six female students are selected by the athletic department and counseling staff.  Must have earned a varsity letter and have a grade point average of 3.5 or better.

Selection Process:  Recipients will be chosen by the Michigan High School Athletic Association.