Pioneers Athletics

Pioneer High School

Girls Varsity Cross Country


Nancy Boudreau.

Head Coach


Coach Nancy started running before sports were offered for girls in high school.  She ran for a track club
starting in the fall of her sophomore year of high school.  She won the 880yd National Championship for Girls
14-17 after her sophomore year and then won both the 440yd and 880yd National Championship for Girls 14-
17 after her junior year.  She was an alternate to the 1968 Olympic team in the 400m and an alternate for the
1972 Olympic team in the 800m.  She made the US National track team in both 1969 and 1973 in the 800m
and competed in Europe, Africa, and Asia. 
Nancy retired from Bowling Green State University where she taught statistics for 35 years.  She was a
volunteer coach for the Women’s Track and Cross Country teams at BGSU for 9 years, working and running
with the distance runners.  She was a volunteer coach for Tappan Middle school for 3 years.  She started
coaching at Pioneer High School in the fall of 2010 serving as an assistant track and cross country coach for
five years. She became the head coach of both cross country and track and field in the fall of 2015.

Nancy lives with her husband, Bob, and has two daughters, Liza and Elena, who both ran for Pioneer High
School.  Bob is currently the girls' cross country coach at Huron HS.

Ian Forsythe.

Asst. Coach
