No team summary for this season.
Volleyball Summer Training
Updated on 06/10/2022
We are happy to announce that we are able to have in-person practices! Due to restrictions put in place by Governor Whitmer, MHSAA and AAPS we are only allowed to host outdoor training with proper precautions.
Volleyball Summer Training will take place from June 22nd – July 31st.
There will be no training on July 1st, 3rd & 6th.
When: Mondays: 9:00a-10:30a
Wednesdays: 4:00p-5:30p
Fridays: 9:00a-10:30p
** Please arrive between 8:30- 9:00a & 3:30- 4:00p for pre-screening protocol. Parents MUST stay until your student is “cleared” to participate.
Where: Slauson Middle School sand volleyball courts
*Student-Athletes must enter through the 8th street entrance, where a coach will conduct pre-screening protocol.
Inclement Weather- STAY TUNED FOR EMAIL!
If inclement weather is predicted the training session will be canceled. Coaches will make the decision, and communicate the cancellation via email. An email will be sent no later than 8:00 am for the morning session and 3:00 pm for the afternoon session.
Summer Training is 100% voluntary. Student-Athletes must sign up for all training sessions they plan on attending. This is important so that coaches can organize the practices and take proper precautions during training. Please sign-up by clicking the link below.
Below is a breakdown of suggested training sessions to attend so you are prepared for tryouts and the 2020 volleyball season. Tryouts are still set to begin on August 12th.
Sessions Attended |
8 |
Bring it on! You’re conditioned and skills are ready |
5-7 |
Almost there!! You’re still working on getting there |
0-4 |
You got this! You still need to work on skills and conditioning |
Each athlete must complete pre-practice screening daily
Athletes cannot attend workout if symptomatic
If symptoms are reported, the student-athlete cannot participate.
If a student is not following health and safety requirements, he/she cannot be part of activities at this time.
Bring a personal water bottle daily (labeled with name) – a gallon is better!
Bring a towel or yoga mat for your individual use in the ground
Bring hand sanitizer and/or sanitizing wipes
Use the restroom at home before the workout (there are NO restrooms available)
Shower immediately when getting home and wash clothes
Do not share items (i.e. pencils, equipment, towels, water bottles)
No physical contact (i.e. handshakes, high fives, fist bumps, etc.)
Each Athlete must have face-covering daily
Wear a mask to & from workout & during non-cardio activities
Wash hands before and after workouts
Avoid touching your face
Clean personal equipment daily
Practice social distance as often as possible
Summer training is 100% voluntary activity (for players and coaches)
Feel free to email or text to coach Fabee if you have any questions/concerns regarding Pioneer Volleyball Summer Training.
Go, Pioneers!