No team summary for this season.
Tess Gompper
Updated on 06/10/2022
Team Requirements and Information
Updated on 06/10/2022
High School Figure Skating Team
This is a winter sport.
The unified team consists of skaters that attend Huron, Pioneer, and Skyline high school.
There is skating experience that is required.
There are expectations the skater is practicing on their own during the season. This can consist of private lessons or open skating.
Competitions can take place after school or on weekends, and there are three during the season. If the team qualifies for states it is an additional competition.
The high school figure skating team starts practice the first week of November and goes until roughly the end of March.
Practices are held in the morning before school from 6:00-7:00 a.m. once a week.
Requirements to be on the team:
The skaters must have skating experience and be able to execute the following:
Forward stroking
Backward skating
Forward crossovers
Backward crossover
Waltz jump
Two foot spin
Contact information:
If there are any further questions in regards to the team please feel free to reach out to Emily Buckeridge by email: or by phone: 313-402-4759